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Friday, August 17, 2012

Mikrotik System Backup

System Backup
Home menu level: /system backup.


The save command is used to store the entire router configuration in a backup file. The file is
shown in the /file submenu. It can be downloaded via ftp to keep it as a backup for your
To restore the system configuration, for example, after a /system reset, it is possible to upload that
file via ftp and load that backup file using load command in /system backup submenu.

Command Description

load name=[filename] - Load configuration backup from a file
save name=[filename] - Save configuration backup to a file.

To save the router configuration to file test:

[admin@MikroTik] system backup> save name=test
Configuration backup saved
[admin@MikroTik] system backup>

To see the files stored on the router:

[admin@MikroTik] > file print
0 test.backup backup 12567 sep/08/2004 21:07:50
[admin@MikroTik] >

To load the saved backup file test:

[admin@MikroTik] system backup> load name=test
Restore and reboot? [y/N]: y

See you in the next lesson
Mr.Mohamed samir™

Installing RouterOS"mikrotik" with CD-Install

Quoting one of e-books

To install the RouterOS using a CD you will need a CD-writer and a blank CD. Burn the CD-image
(an .iso file) to a CD. The archive with image can be downloaded here.

Follow the instructions to install RouterOS using CD-Install:

1. After downloading the CD image from you will have an ISO file on your

2. Open a CD Writing software, like Ahead NERO as in this example:

3. In the program, choose Burn Image entry from the Recorder menu (there should be similary
named option in all major CD burning programs):

4. Select the recently extracted ISO file and click Open:

5. Finally, click Burn button:

6. Set the first boot device to CDROM in router's BIOS.

7. After booting from CD you will see a menu where to choose packages to install:

Follow the instructions, select needed packages, and press 'i' to install the software.

8. You will be asked for 2 questions:

Warning: all data on the disk will be erased!
Continue? [y/n]

Press [Y] to continue or [N] to abort the installation.

Do you want to keep old configuration? [y/n]:

You should choose whether you want to keep old configuration (press [Y]) or to erase the
configuration permanently (press [N]) and continue without saving it. For a fresh installation,
press [N].

Creating partition...
Formatting disk...

The system will install selected packages. After that you will be prompted to press 'Enter'.
Before doing that, remove the CD from your CD-Drive:

Software installed.
Press ENTER to reboot

Note: after the installation you will have to enter the Software key. See this manual how to do it.

See you in the next lesson
Mr.Mohamed samir™