Network Services

Hotspot Mikrotik 777

Technology has been used Bootstrap Compatible Mobile.

Design Hotspot-12 beautiful Server Mikrotik

Design Hot Spot Mikrotik Free

Hotspot login server free

Hotspot login server free.

Merge 2 lines in server Pfsense?

Merge 2 lines in server Pfsense server free.

setup squid cahce in Ubuntu

How to setup squid cahce in Ubuntu ?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

الدخول الى الروتر ميكروتيك من اى مكان فى العالم

ازى نقدر ندخل الى سيرفر الميكروتيك من اى مكان فى العالم حتا ولو كان الايبى متغير 
احنا هنستخدم الموقع ده فى التسجيل فيه والحصول على دومين نيم سابت 
وسوف نستخدم الدومين الذى سنحصل عليه والاسكربت الذى سوف يوضع داخل الميكروتيك فى رفع الايبى الى الموقع ويقوم الموقع بربطه معا الدومين نيم 

نتابع طريقة التسجيل فى الموقع 

ده الاسكريبت

:local user "اسم الدخول الى الموقع " :local pass "باص ورد الدخول للموقع " :local host "اسم الدومين " ############## ############## :global lastwanip; :if ([ :typeof $lastwanip ] = "nothing" ) do={ :global lastwanip }; :local wanip [:resolve $host]; :if ( $wanip != $lastwanip ) do={ /tool fetch mode=http address="" src-path="/" dst-path="/dyndns.checkip.html" :local result [/file get dyndns.checkip.html contents] :local resultLen [:len $result] :local startLoc [:find $result ": " -1] :set startLoc ($startLoc + 2) :local endLoc [:find $result "</body>" -1] :local currentIP [:pick $result $startLoc $endLoc] :set lastwanip $currentIP; :put [/tool dns-update name=$host address=$currentIP key-name=$user key=$pass ] }

من هنا نقدر نحد  مقدار الوقت لعملية التحديث 

تم الانتهاء 
الى عملية الدخول 


24 hours 7 days

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Configuration PPOE Server 'broadband' Mikrotik

Configuration PPPOE Server 'broadband' Mikrotik
How to Configuration PPPOE Server Mikrotik ?
Now Configure PPPOE

Definition PPPOE

The Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a network protocol for encapsulating Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames inside Ethernet frames.

* I will explain to the networks of private



Interface Name input internet:  WAN-PPPOE
Interface ip input internet:

Interface Name input internet:  LAN-PPPOE
Interface ip input internet:  No IP Address

Pool ring:

Pool name:  PooL-PPPOE

Dns server 

user name : test
Pass user : test 
Speed user: 512K/1024K

Jump to the practical application

See you in the next lesson

with you

Mohamed Samir

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Configuration PPTP Server 'VPN'

Configuration PPTP Server 'VPN'

1.Login to your Mikrotik Winbox.

2. Click Menu "PPP" => Point to Point Protocol.

3. Click the tab "Interfaces" like the picture on the side.
4. Click Menu Add "PPTP Server" => Point to Point Protocol Tuneling.
5. Give the name for this new interface, Tyape: VPN

6. Then give the name of the User, Tyape: VPN-Connection
7. Then Click the tab "Secret", Tyape name: man
8. Checkmark Password, Tyape: man

9. Add ip new pool Type Name : POOL-VPN

10. Enter Local Address, Type: 192 168 100 100
11. Enter the Remote Address, 
Select : POOL-VPN
12. Enter DNS Server    DNS1,DNS2

13. Selectman Clik "PPTP Server", Checkmark "Enable".
14. Check mark also "MSCHAP1" and "MSCHAP1".

15. VPN Server is ready for use.

See you in the next lesson

with you

Mohamed Samir

Monday, March 26, 2012

Add user to mikrotik hotspot

how to add user to mikrotik hotspot ?

* I will now add a new user in the hotspot


 Login your Winbox

* Select IP
 * Select Hotspot
 * Select User
 * Select add '+'
*Type Name : XXXXX
                                            * Example : kenzey

*Type Passwored : XXXXX
                                            * Example :15346

# Data specific to the client

*Type Address : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
                                            * Example :

*Type MAC Address : XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
                                            * Example : EA:F2:CB:DA:E1:C5

*Select Profile :default 
                                            * Example : Profile Private speed

See you in the next lesson

with you

Mohamed Samir

Install Advproxy - urlfilter 'SmoothWall'

How to  Install  Advproxy - urlfilter SmoothWall ?

After the completion of the previous lesson 

"To visit the previous lesson Click here"

Enter through the program 'WinSCP'

* Link files that are used hear


We will activate ssh

Login your server by browser 

Click Services  Select the Remote access
 Select the ssh and Save
 Open program WinScp
    *Host name = IP Server
    *User name = root
    *Passwored = pass      'root'
 Click Login
 I will Upload the following files to the server
 Drag and drop
 Select Copy

 Some files will give permission "777"

  As in the picture

 Will stand on the folder root
 * Select the Commands we choose them Open Terminal 
 Select the OK
* Will write over the 'smoothwall-advproxy/install'
    *Click Execute

 *Will write over the 'smoothwall-urlfilter/install'
   *Click Execute

I will restart server

Log in to your browser
Type IP address your server 

*Select the Services

 Picture speaks for itself

Select Save 
Select Save and restart

Go to Settings url filter
*Select Save Update settings 
*Select Update now
 Go to the list Maintenance 
       *Select Check for Updates 
         *Select Update

 Select Save 
Select Save and restart

I will restart server

 Go to Settings url filter

Select the types of sites to be blocked on the client

 * Black Site

 When you download a file that is stored in the Cache

See you in the next lesson

with you

Mohamed Samir