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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Local Area Network

Local Area Network:

By definition, a local area network (LAN) is limited to a specific area, usually an office, and cannot extend beyond the boundaries of a single building. The first LANs were limited to a range (from a central point to the most distant computer) of 185 meters (about 600 feet) and no more than 30 computers. Today’s technology allows a larger LAN, but practical administration limitations require dividing it into small, logical areas called workgroups. A workgroup is a collection of individuals (a sales department, for example) who share the same files and databases over the LAN. Figure 1.1 shows an example of a small LAN and its workgroups.


FIGURE 1 . 1 A small LAN

Network Elements

Network Elements:

In the computer world, the term network describes two or more connected computers that can share resources such as data, a printer, an Internet connection, applications, or a combination of these. In the following sections, we’ll discuss each type of network and describe the situation that is most appropriate for its use.

Network Fundamentals

"Quoting one of e-books"
Chapter 1 :

            Network Fundamentals :

                  Network Elements:
                        Local Area Network
                        Wide Area Network
                        Host, Workstation, andServer
                        Peer-to-Peer vs.Client/Server Architecture

                  Physical Topologies:
                        Bus Topology
                        Star Topology
                        Ring Topology
                        Mesh Topology
                        Backbones and Segments
                        Selecting the RightTopology

                    Physical Media:
                        Coaxial Cable
                        Twisted-Pair Cable
                        Fiber-Optic Cable
                        Cable Type Summary

                    Common NetworkConnectivity Devices:
                        Other Devices

                    Exam Essentials
                    Review Questions

                    Answers to Review Questions 

"Quoting one of e-books"