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Monday, May 5, 2014

Client Support and Interoperability "UNIX/Linux"

Client Support and Interoperability UNIX servers use primarily Internet standard protocols, like TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP, LPR, and so on. Therefore, just about any client that can be configured with TCP/IP and a web browser is a potential client. Most other NOS platforms are moving to this idea of using TCP/IP and Internet standard protocols...

Features "UNIX/Linux"

Features UNIX flavors incorporate a kernel, which constitutes the core of the operating system. The kernel can access hardware and communicate with various types of user interfaces. The two most popular user interfaces are the command-line interface (called a shell) and the graphical interface (X Window System). The UNIX kernel is similar...


UNIX/Linux Of the other network operating systems available, the various forms of UNIX are probably the most popular. It is definitely the oldest of the network operating systems. Bell Labs developed UNIX, in part, in 1969. We say “in part” because there are now so many iterations, commonly called flavors, of UNIX that it is almost a completely...

Security "Novell NetWare "

Security NetWare is arguably the most secure NOS. It uses public key encryption during the login process (passwords are never sent in cleartext between client and server). Plus, you cannot get access to the local files unless you are logged in with a proper client. NetWare is the only NOS that has been certified by the National Security...

Application Support "Novell NetWare "

Application Support Application support is one major downfall for NetWare. NetWare is a server-only platform. Novell’s view is that a server should run only services, not desktop-type applications. To that end, NetWare servers run services very well. But NetWare does not run desktop applications (like word processing programs, spreadsheets,...

File and Print Services "Novell NetWare "

File and Print Services NetWare is known for its file and print services, that is, the network services that serve out files to client computers and allow printers to be shared over the network. NetWare was the first NOS to provide file and print services for PCs and it arguably is the best at it. As a matter of fact, the file services...

Directory Structure "Novell NetWare"

Directory Structure Directories like Novell’s that use the X.500 standard are hierarchical in nature and use a structure called the Directory Information Tree (DIT). In a DIT, the top level of the structure is called the [Root], which leads to the fact that the DIT...