Network Services

Hotspot Mikrotik 777

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

QoS for VOIP in Mikrotik

QoS for VOIP in Mikrotik

In the bottom rolls help to give VOIP quality of service

Mikrotik 2.9:

/ip firewall mangle 
 add chain=prerouting tos=104 action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=voip-sip passthrough=yes
 add chain=prerouting tos=184 action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=voip-rtp passthrough=yes

Mikrotik 3:

 /ip firewall mangle 
 add chain=prerouting dscp=26 action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=voip-sip passthrough=yes
 add chain=prerouting dscp=46 action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=voip-rtp passthrough=yes

Mikrotik 3,2.9

 /queue simple
  add name="VOIP-SIP" interface=all packet-marks=voip-sip priority=1
  add name="VOIP-RTP" interface=all packet-marks=voip-rtp priority=1

Photos of work (( Mikrotik 3 ))

ip firewall mangle

queue simple

See you in the next lesson

 with you
Mohamed Samir