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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Configuration PPTP Server 'VPN'

Configuration PPTP Server 'VPN'

1.Login to your Mikrotik Winbox.

2. Click Menu "PPP" => Point to Point Protocol.

3. Click the tab "Interfaces" like the picture on the side.
4. Click Menu Add "PPTP Server" => Point to Point Protocol Tuneling.
5. Give the name for this new interface, Tyape: VPN

6. Then give the name of the User, Tyape: VPN-Connection
7. Then Click the tab "Secret", Tyape name: man
8. Checkmark Password, Tyape: man

9. Add ip new pool Type Name : POOL-VPN

10. Enter Local Address, Type: 192 168 100 100
11. Enter the Remote Address, 
Select : POOL-VPN
12. Enter DNS Server    DNS1,DNS2

13. Selectman Clik "PPTP Server", Checkmark "Enable".
14. Check mark also "MSCHAP1" and "MSCHAP1".

15. VPN Server is ready for use.

See you in the next lesson

with you

Mohamed Samir