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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Answers to Review Questions " Network + Chapter 5 "

Answers to Review Questions

1. B. The only two options listed that are directory services are NTDS and NDS. Of those two, the only one that is an X.500-compliant directory service is NDS.

2. A, B, D. All of the NOSes listed, except NetWare 4, have a graphical interface. UNIX has X Window, NetWare 5 has the Graphical Java Console, and Windows Server uses a Windowsbased interface.

3. B. Novell Client for Windows is Novell’s NetWare client for the Windows platform, including Windows 98. It enables a Windows 98 machine to access the full range of NetWare (and NDS)

4. B, C. Novell Client for Windows (as previously mentioned) and Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks will allow the station to access Windows servers.

5. B. Windows Server uses Active Directory to store the names of users and groups, but it uses Kerberos during the authentication process to verify the authenticity of those users.

6. C. Although all of the listed utilities are administration utilities of some type, the name of the administration program for modifying NDS objects in NetWare 4 and above is NetWare

7. B. Typefull distinguished names always have leading periods and call out the object types with their appropriate prefixes (CN=, OU=, etc.).

8. B. Active Directory (AD) is the directory service used by default by Windows Server 2003.

9. A. Novell Directory Services (NDS) is the default directory service used by NetWare 4 and later.

10. A, B, C, D. All the operating systems listed are available in one form or another for the Intel platform.

11. A. Typeless distinguished names still include the leading period, but without the object type identifiers (CN=, OU=, etc.).

12. B, C. There are two main methods users can use to interact with UNIX: through a text-based command line and through a graphical interface.

13. B. An object’s context is the complete name of all the containers in which it resides, so Admin.ACME is the only correct response.

14. B, C, D. The only platforms that NDS runs on natively are NetWare 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x. NDS will not run natively on NetWare 3.x.

15. B. There is no such thing as Windows XP Server. Windows XP is a desktop operating system.

16. D. Samba is the technology that allows Mac OS X Server to respond to Windows SMB network calls and will make a Mac appear as another Windows server.

17. D. Apple’s own directory, similar to NDS and Active Directory, is known as Open Directory.

18. B. The schema defines what types of objects can exist in a directory.

19. B. Although all of the listed distributions have ports to the Intel platform, the Slackware distribution was developed specifically for the Intel platform.

20. B. The main command-line interface in UNIX is known as a shell.

Review Questions " Network + Chapter 5 "

Review Questions 

1. Which directory service is based mainly on the Internet directory standard X.500?
C. X.25

2. Which of the following network operating systems has a graphical interface? (Choose all that apply.)
B. NetWare 5
C. NetWare 4
D. Windows 2003 Server

3. Which client would you install on a Windows 98 machine to allow access to all features and services of a NetWare server?
A. Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks
B. Novell Client for Windows
C. Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks
D. Novell Client for NetWare Networks
4. On a Windows Server network with a few NetWare 4 servers, 

which Windows XP clients would you install on a workstation to allow a user to access the greatest number of network services?
(Choose all that apply.)
A. Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks
B. Novell Client for Windows
C. Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks
D. Novell Client for NetWare Networks

5. What is the name of the authentication technology for Windows Server?
B. Kerberos
C. Active Directory

D. NT Domain Manager (NTDM)

6. What utility allows an administrator to modify NDS objects and their properties?
A. User Manager
B. syscon
C. NetWare Administrator
D. nwconfig

7. Of the following, which name is an example of a typefull distinguished name?

8. By default, on which directory service does Windows Server 2003 rely?

9. By default, which directory service is used by NetWare 4 and later?

10. Which of the following network operating systems can run on an Intel Pentium? (Choose all that apply.)
A. NetWare
B. Windows NT Server
C. Linux
D. Solaris

11. Which of the following is a typeless distinguished name?


12. The many flavors of UNIX can use which types of interfaces? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Biometric
B. Command line
C. Graphical
D. Psychic

13. What is the context of the object known as .RogerU.Admin.ACME?
A. RogerU
B. Admin.ACME
D. RogerU.Admin.ACME

14. On which platforms does NDS run natively? (Choose all that apply.)
A. NetWare 3.x
B. NetWare 4.x
C. NetWare 5.x
D. Netware 6.x

15. Which of the following is not a currently implemented operating system?
A. Windows Server 2003
B. Windows XP Server
C. Windows XP Professional
D. Mac OS X

16. Which software is included with Mac OS X Server (as well as available for many Linux versions) that allows Windows clients to connect to a Mac OS server?
A. Windows for Macs
B. MacDrive
C. OSShare
D. Samba

17. What is the name of the directory technology developed by Apple and used by Mac OS X?
A. iDirectory
B. eDirectory
C. Kerberos

D. Open Directory

18. The set of rules that dictate what types of objects can exist in a directory is known as a what?
A. Law
B. Schema
C. Specification
D. Directory code

19. Which distribution of Linux was designed specifically for the Intel platform and supports many of its features, including multiple (up to 16) processors?
A. Red Hat
B. Slackware
C. OpenLinux
D. Yggdrasil

20. The command-line interface to UNIX is known as a what?
A. Linux
B. Shell
C. Window


Exam Essentials " Network + Chapter 5 "

Exam Essentials
Be able to describe the basic capabilities UNIX/Linux. UNIX/Linux is the NOS with the longest history. It consists of a core (called a kernel) and a user interface called a shell. Linux is an operating system based on UNIX and developed by Linus Torvalds that primarily runs on the Intel platform and is in widespread use. UNIX/Linux uses standard TCP/IP protocol for communications and network services. You can use multiple methods of authentication by simply installing different software packages.
Be able to describe the basic capabilities of NetWare. NetWare is the most widespread NOS in use today. It was the first NOS to be used for PC LANs. It is popular with administrators of large networks. It has excellent client support for multiple client platforms. Additionally, it has software to interoperate with other computing platforms natively. NetWare 4.x and above uses
NDS for authentication. NDS is a directory service that keeps track of all of the network entities and performs authentication for them. Although NetWare makes a great server platform, there
aren’t as many applications for NetWare as there are for Windows or other NOS platforms. 
However, it is the most secure NOS. Government agencies all use NetWare as their core NOS. Be able to describe the basic capabilities of Windows. Windows Server is the NOS with the
most application support. It uses the same interface and, to some extent, the same software as the desktop Windows versions. It has limited client support but does support interoperability
with other NOS platforms, like NetWare and UNIX. The most current version of Windows Server uses Kerberos and Active Directory for authentication. Kerberos is the method of authentication and Active Directory is the directory that holds the authentication information (like usernames, passwords, etc.). Windows Server uses folders and shares to provide file and print
services to clients, thus making it easy to use. Windows main challenge is the amount of security problems it has, but these are overcome by keeping the NOS patched to the most current levels

at all times.

Be able to describe the basic capabilities of Macintosh. The Mac OS platform is the easiest platform to use. The newest version is based on a UNIX kernel, so essentially it is a UNIX server. In addition to Mac clients, a Mac server can support UNIX clients and Windows clients (through Samba). Authentication is handled through Kerberos (similar to UNIX and Windows Server) and Open Directory. File and print services are handled through AppleShare and other open protocols and utilities (like FTP and HTTP). Mac OS has limited application support; it has the fewest native applications of any of the listed NOSes, but it can run some of the UNIX applications (although they may require recompiling).