Network Services

Thursday, March 15, 2012

setup ubuntu server

how to setup ubuntu server ?
Explanation supported by pictures

Choose the language 

 Choose the Install Ubuntu Server
 Choose the English
 Choose the United States or other and choose your country
 Choose the <NO>
 Choose the English (US)
 Choose the English (US)
  I use VMWare
Choose the  { eth0: Advanced }  Act of communication between the router and Interface ==>eth0: Advanced  
Type the name of the server 

Select  <Yes>

 Select Guided - use entiro disk and set up lvm
Beginning of the division of hard Desk
 Select scsI1
 Select <Yes>
 Leave the area as it is  and <continue>
Select  <Yes>
Type the name of webmaster 

 Type name account the webmaster 
 Type Passwored account the webmaster 
 Type Passwored again account the webmaster 
 This message indicates that your password is weak <Yes>
 Choose to protect the Passwored <Yes>

 Select - No automatic updates
        [*] openssh
        [*] LAMP servr
                       <Cont inue>

 No Type <Cont inue>
 No Type <Cont inue> 
 No Type <Cont inue> 
 <Cont inue>
Been completed 

 After the work of reboot
Sign in 

See you in the next lesson

with you

Mohamed Samir


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