Network Services

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ports for Internet Services

Ports for Internet Services

Quoting one of the websites
Service TCP UDP Notes
SSH 22 Secure Shell *
HTTP 80 HyperText Transfer Protocol * (e.g. for web browsing). Currently (2003-07-05) HTTP/1.1 is officially described in RFC 2616.
HOSTS2 Name Server 81 81 * An interesting story. The name attached to this port in the IANA list, Earl Killian, says he shouldn't be. He says "I don't know what 81 is, or whether it is still in use." Since Mr. Killian doesn't know what HOSTS2 is/was, and with Postel gone, I wonder if there's anyone left in the world who knows what 81 was/is for and who actually requested it.
XFER Utility 82 82 * Another interesting story. The name attached to this port in the IANA list, Thomas M. Smith of Lockheed Martin, says Sorry... there is no publicly available information regarding the details of the XFER Utility and its use of tcp and udp port # 82. XFER employs a proprietary protocol which has not been disclosed.
RPC Endpoint Mapper 135 135 * registered as "epmap - DCE endpoint resolution". Used by Microsoft for RPC locator service. See additional information.
LDAP 389 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol *
MS NetMeeting LDAP or ULP, dyn >=1024, 1503, H.323 HostCall, MS ICCP dyn >=1024 videoconferencing
Timbuktu 407, 1417-1420 407 remote control *
SLP 427 427 Service Location Protocol * Used by MacOS and NetWare.
HTTPs 443 secure HTTP (SSL) *
LPD / printer 515 515 printing * LPD stands for Line Printer Daemon. Also see printing section.
ULP 522 522 User Location Protocol (Microsoft) *
AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) 548 548 *
QuickTime 4 RTSP RTP-QT4 streaming audio, video *
RTSP 554 Real Time Streaming Protocol *. Currently (2003-07-05) described in RFC 2326.
NNTPs 563 secure NNTP news (SSL) *
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) 631 631 print remotely to any IPP enabled printer through the Internet * The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) is based on IPP. Also see printing section.
LDAPs 636 636 secure LDAP * (LDAP protocol over TLS/SSL)
Doom 666 666 network game *
Remotely Possible (ControlIT) 799 remote control. CA ControlIT support.
VMware Virtual Machine Console 902 remote control and viewing of virtual machines. vmware-authd.
SOCKS 1080 internet proxy *. Also used by Trojans.
OpenVPN 1194 1194 *
Kazaa 1214 1214 peer-to-peer file sharing *
WASTE 1337 1337 peer-to-peer. Also see InfoAnarchy WASTE FAQ. This port is officially registered for Men and Mice DNS (QuickDNS Remote).
Lotus Notes Domino 1352 *
VocalTec Internet Phone 1490, 6670, 25793 22555 videoconferencing *
Citrix ICA 1494, dyn >=1023 1604, dyn >=1023 remote application access *
Virtual Places 1533 conferencing *, also see VP voice
Xing StreamWorks 1558 streaming video *
Novell GroupWise (Remote Client) 1677 1677 group collaboration * NOTE: Other features of GroupWise use many other ports.
H.323 Host Call 1720 1720 H.323 host call *
PPTP 1723 virtual private network (VPN) * Note PPTP also uses the GRE protocol. However Microsoft says in Understanding PPTP: "PPTP can be used with most firewalls and routers by enabling traffic destined for port 1723 to be routed through the firewall or router."
MS ICCP 1731 1731 audio call control (Microsoft) *
MS NetShow 1755 1755, dyn >=1024 <=5000 streaming video *
MSN Messenger 1863 instant messenging *. NOTE: For detailed info on ports for file transfers, voice and video, see the Windows and MSN Messenger section below.
Netopia netOctopus 1917, 1921 1917 network management *
Big Brother 1984 1984 network monitoring *
ICU II 2000-2003 videoconferencing. NOTE: security risk on TCP port 50000
iSpQ 2000-2003 videoconferencing. Note: support docs are inconsistent on what ports are required
glimpseserver 2001 search engine
Distributed.Net RC5/DES 2064 distributed computation
SoulSeek 2234, 5534 2234, 5534 file sharing
Microsoft DirectX gaming (DirectPlay) 7 2300-2400, 47624 2300-2400 networked multiplayer games, * only 47624 is registered as "Direct Play Server", if needed also see MSN Gaming Zone
Microsoft DirectX gaming (DirectPlay) 8 2302-2400, 6073 networked multiplayer games, * only 6073 is registered as DirectPlay8, if needed also see MSN Gaming Zone
MADCAP - Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol 2535 2535 * defined in RFC 2730 - Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP). Also used by Trojans.
Netrek 2592 network game *
ShareDirect 2705 2705 peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing. Officially registered for Sun SDS Admin.
URBISNET 2745 2745 * Alex Tronin reports was used for Urbis geolocation service... now not operational, but may be revived. Also used by Trojans.
Borland Interbase database 3050 3050 * gds_db. See CERT Advisory CA-2001-01 for potential security risk.
squid 3128 3130 web proxy cache. Also used by Trojans.
iSNS 3205 3205 * Internet Storage Name Service, see iSCSI section
iSCSI default port 3260 3260 * SCSI over IP, see iSCSI section
Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 3389 * registered as ms-wbt-server. RDP 5.1 is the current version. See below for more information. Remote Desktop Web Connection also uses HTTP.
NetworkLens SSL Event 3410 3410 * Also used by Trojans.
Virtual Places Voice Chat 3450, 8000-9000 voice chat, also see Virtual Places
Apple iTunes music sharing (DAAP) 3689 3689 Digital Audio Access Protocol *
World of Warcraft 3724 online game *
Mirabilis ICQ dyn >=1024 4000 locator, chat (note: see newer AOL ICQ)
Blizzard / 4000, 6112-6119 4000, 6112-6119 network gaming - support (captured 2001-11-11), proxy and firewall info
Abacast 4000-4100, 4500, 9000-9100 peer-to-peer audio and video streaming. NOTE: This software will create OUTGOING streams to other users if it can.
GlobalChat client, server 4020 4020 chat rooms, used to be called ichat
PGPfone 4747 secure phone
PlayLink 4747, 4748, 10090 6144 online games
radmin 4899 4899 remote control *
Yahoo Messenger - Voice Chat 5000-5001 5000-5010 voice chat
GnomeMeeting H.323 HostCall, 30000-30010 5000-5003, 5010-5013 audio and videoconference. 5000-5003 is RTP and RTCP range for this app.
Yahoo Messenger - messages 5050 messaging. NOTE: It will try ports 5050, 80, any port.
SIP 5060 5060 Session Initiation Protocol *. For audio and video. Currently (2003-07-05) see RFCs 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264, 3265
Apple iChat AV SIP, RTP-iChatAV audio and video conferencing. May also need iChat local port.
Yahoo Messenger - Webcams 5100 video
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) 5190 5190 America OnLine * Also used by Apple iChat (in AIM compatibility mode).
AIM Video IM 1024-5000 ? 1024-5000 ? video chat. It is unclear from their FAQ whether you need to open both TCP and UDP ports.
AOL ICQ 5190, dyn >=1024 messaging
AOL 5190-5193 5190-5193 America OnLine *
XMPP / Jabber 5222, 5269 5222, 5269 * Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. Also see Using Jabber behind firewalls. Defined by XMPP specs (RFCs now issued), specs created by IETF group.
Qnext 5235-5237 5235-5237 audio / video conference, fileshare, everything. Port 5236 is officially assigned to "padl2sim".
iChat local traffic 5298 5298 Some Rendezvous thing.
Multicast DNS 5353 5353 * Mac OS X 10.2: About Multicast DNS. Related to Zeroconf which Apple has implemented as Rendezvous. (Note: the regular Domain Name Service port is 53.) 5354, 7175, 8680-8890, 9000, 9450-9460 dyn >=1024 telephony
HotLine 5500-5503 peer-to-peer filesharing.
SGI ESP HTTP 5554 5554 * SGI Embedded Support Partner (ESP) web server. Also used by Trojans, see SGI Security Advisory 20040501-01-I.
InfoSeek Personal Agent 5555 5555 * I don't know if InfoSeek Personal Agent exists anymore. This port is commonly used by HP OpenView Storage Data Protector (formerly HP OmniBack).
pcAnywhere 5631 5632 remote control *
eShare Chat Server 5760
eShare Web Tour 5761
eShare Admin Server 5764
VNC 5800+, 5900+ remote control
Blizzard 6112 6112 online gaming
GNUtella 6346, 6347 6346, 6347 peer-to-peer file sharing *
Netscape Conference H.323 HostCall, 6498, 6502 2327 audioconferencing
Danware NetOp Remote Control 6502 6502 remote control
common IRC 6665-6669 Internet Relay Chat *
Net2Phone CommCenter selected 6801, selected telephony, admin should select one TCP and UDP port in the range 1-3000. Same ports are used by Yahoo Messenger - PC-to-Phone.
BitTorrent 6881-6889, 6969 distributed data download, newer versions TCP 6881-6999. Alternate FAQ link.
Blizzard Downloader World of Warcraft, and BitTorrent downloads patches for World of Warcraft
RTP-QT4 6970-6999 Realtime Transport Protocol. (These ports are specifically for the Apple QT4 version.)
VDOLive 7000 user-specified streaming video
Real Audio & Video RTSP, 7070 6970-7170 streaming audio and video
CU-SeeMe, Enhanced CUSM 7648, 7649, LDAP 7648-7652, 24032 videoconferencing
common HTTP 8000, 8001, 8080
Apache JServ Protocol v12 (ajp12) 8007 8007 (default port) See Workers HowTo for config info.
Apache JServ Protocol v13 (ajp13) 8009 8009 (default port) e.g. Apache mod_jk Tomcat connector using ajp13. See Workers HowTo for config info.
Grouper 8038 8038 peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing
PDL datastream 9100 9100 printing * PDL is Page Description Language. Used commonly by HP printers and by Apple. Also see printing section.
MonkeyCom 9898 9898 * video-chat, also used by Trojans
iVisit 9943, 9945, 56768 videoconferencing
The Palace 9992-9997 9992-9997 chat environment *
common Palace 9998 chat environment
NDMP 10000 10000 Network Data Management Protocol *. Used for storage backup. Also used by Trojans.
Amanda 10080 10080 backup software *. Also used by Trojans.
Yahoo Games 11999 network games
Italk 12345 12345 network chat supporting multiple access methods * Appears mostly used in Japan. There are many other applications calling themselves "italk". TrendMicro OfficeScan antivirus also uses this port. Commonly used by Trojans.
RTP-iChatAV 16384-16403 Used by Apple iChat AV.
RTP 16384-32767 Realtime Transport Protocol. RTP in general is described in RFC 3550. This range is not registered (it never could be, being so broad) but it seems to be somewhat common. See Are there specific ports assigned to RTP?
Palm Computing Network Hotsync 14237 14238 data synchronization
Liquid Audio 18888 streaming audio
FreeTel 21300-21303 audioconferencing
VocalTec Internet Conference 22555 22555 audio & document conferencing *
Quake 26000 26000 network game *
MSN Gaming Zone 28800-29100 28800-29100 network gaming (,, also see DirectPlay 7 and DirectPlay 8
Sygate Manager 39213
Service Ports Notes
Game 5001-5010
Login 7775-7777
Patch 8888 overlaps with common HTTP port
UO Messenger 8800-8900 includes port 8866 which is also used by Trojan
Patch 9999
Service TCP UDP Notes
Windows Messenger - voice (computer to phone) 2001-2120, 6801, 6901 from Q324214. NOTE: 6801 is Net2Phone.
MSN Messenger - file transfers 6891-6900 from Q278887. Allows up to 10 simultaneous transfers.
MSN Messenger - voice communications (computer to computer) 6901 6901 from Q278887
Service TCP Port Notes
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 25 * As part of the anti-spam best practices, you should block this outgoing for any machine that doesn't need to send email directly.
SMTPs - secure SMTP 465 Port 465 shows up Appendix A of the 1996 non-standard standard The SSL Protocol Version 3.0 as "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol with SSL". Unfortunately, it's not registered for SMTPs, it's registered for URD - "URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM" by Cisco. The recommended approach, at least for authentication, is to use START TLS encryption on submission port 587.
(SMTP email) submission 587 * See RFC 2476 - Message Submission.
POP2 - Post Office Protocol 2 109 * obsolete
POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 110 *
POP3s - secure POP3 995 * Full description is "pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)".
IMAP3 - Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 220 * obsolete
IMAP4 - Internet Message Access Protocol 4 143 * Also referred to by version as IMAP4.
IMAPs - secure IMAP 993 * Full description is "imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL". Use 993 instead of TCP port 585 "imap4-ssl", which is deprecated.
Service TCP UDP Notes
QuickTime Conferencing (MovieTalk) 458 458, dyn >= 7000 videoconferencing *
Apple VideoPhone MovieTalk MovieTalk videoconferencing *
Connectix VideoPhone MovieTalk MovieTalk, dyn >=1024, 4242 videoconferencing
Netscape CoolTalk 6499, 6500 13000 videoconferencing

With you
Mohamed samir

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